Oaklands College Courses


Dear Community Partner

Please see attached details of a free course Oaklands College, St Albans are offering, starting on 8 November, 6pm – 8pm.  This course is taking place face to face and is for anybody who needs support re current trends in application and interview process  e.g. online image, applications and interviews to support on their career journey.

Please forward to anybody who may be interested and ask them to enrol online https://www.oaklands.ac.uk/course-area/course/21_22-CL203A1E-New-Job-New-Challenge-Employability-and-Interview-Skills-8-Nov-18-00-20-00-Step2Skills- or by ringing our Contact Centre on 01727 737000 and quoting the course code CL203A1E

If you have any questions please contact Oaklands College in the Adult & Community Learning Department on 01727 737154 or email us on acl@oaklands.ac.uk

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