Festive Streets – a new St Albans District community project happening now!
Decorate your windows
We’re very excited to let you know about our new community project in St Albans District called Festive Streets.
The project encourages residents in St Albans, Harpenden and the villages to decorate the windows on their streets during the winter Festive Season, enabling them to celebrate as a community in a contact-free way and bring cheer to their neighbourhood. Neighbours in each street safely co-ordinate their displays so that everyone has the opportunity to be involved if they want to – whether just taking a daily walk to see the latest display or joining in and decorating their own windows. The Festive Street concept could equally be applied to residential homes, community buildings, faith buildings, school classroom windows, or an office block or a parade of shops.
Nearly 300 people have already signed up for our free electronic information pack to start their own Festive Streets. We are hearing from dozens of streets, plus community centres and churches, who have already started their displays.
Festive Streets invites everyone
The underlying principle of Festive Streets is that those who get involved invite all their neighbours – or nearby neighbours – to join in if they want to. We’re taking people beyond WhatsApp or Facebook chat groups so that they reach out and make connections to all the people who live near them, particularly those not on social media. Building community where they live. Brightening people’s lives.
Get involved in Festive Streets
We are writing to community and support organisations like yourselves to invite you to spread the word about Festive Streets. Perhaps you are community organisation targeted at the “third age”. Perhaps you are a residential home and your residents would enjoy creating window displays. Perhaps you are an community or outreach organisation and your members or customers would benefit from being involved in such a scheme where they live. Perhaps you can simply help us promote Festive Streets through your own communication channels so that as many people as possible hear about it.
Please help us spread the word about the project.
It is for all residents of St Albans District, it is free and it encourages neighbours to reach out to one another which is a of vital importance at this difficult time.
Festive Streets has been started by the team from Playing Out St Albans District, which is a project run by the environmental charity, Sustainable St Albans. We are grateful to Hertfordshire Community Fund, St Albans District Council Community Fund and Playing Out CIC for their support.
Further detail about the project
Please see the attached Word document for the full announcement.
Please feel free to use the attached marketing materials.
Logos (banner/square)
PDF printable poster/flyer
Square flyer in jpg for online use
Festive Streets window photo (with the Sustainable St Albans logo/tree).
Social Media
We will be using the hashtag #FestiveStreets.
Our social media accounts are:
Facebook @PlayingOutStAlbansDistrict
Twitter @PlayingOutStA
Instagram @SustainableStA
We have a blog about how to create window displays here.
We have also created a Pinterest board for inspiration here.
Please do contact us if there is anything specific that we can send you to help you get involved in Festive Streets.
Thank you in advance for your help and support.
Kind regards